Financial Policy

Individual counseling specific policies:

PsychologyWorks, PLLC requires all patients to keep a valid credit or debit card on file. Estimated patient costs (including copays and co-insurance) will be auto-charged the morning of your scheduled session on the client portal. If your card declines, we may charge a $30 fee and your appointment may not be held. This prevents patients from accruing high balances. You may also pay by check or cash in the office at the tie of services. We are happy to provide referrals to affordable care in the NWA area to fit prospective patients’ needs. However, we cannot guarantee those referrals will have immediate availability.

Please also note that we must bill the full amount your insurer decides is your patient responsibility for any claims submitted on your behalf, as it is considered fraudulent and a violation of our contracts with your insurer to discount that amount. You can always choose to pay out of pocket where you can request to receive an itemized bill for services with no surprises from your insurance not covering treatment(s)

Psychological testing specific policies:

A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to schedule psychological testing. All patients must keep a credit or debit card on file and agree for their card to be charged the final balance. Psychological testing is much different from individual counseling in the many hours it takes to administer, score, interpret, and write the final formal report, as well as provide a final feedback session. Dr. Steele-Wren puts aside this time and testing materials for you when you schedule. The $100 deposit will be applied to your final balance after testing is completed. If you are using insurance and your patient responsibility is determined to be less than $100, you will be refunded that portion of your deposit via a business check mailed to your residence. Please note that many major insurers apply psychological testing to your deductible, as they consider it a specialist service, and although our billing team can verify your benefits, it is ultimately the patient’s responsibility to call their insurer and ask what they should expect to pay out of pocket for testing. Dr. Steele-Wren also reserves the legal right to not release the final testing report until full payment is made or in extreme instances, an auto-payment plan using your card on file is agreed upon in writing and signed.

Please also note that we must bill the full amount your insurer decides is your patient responsibility for any claims submitted on your behalf, as it is considered fraudulent and a violation of our contracts with your insurer to discount that amount. You can always choose to pay out of pocket where you will receive an itemized bill for services, which eliminates surprises from your insurance not covering treatment(s).

If you do not pay your balance within 90 days of it being applied to your account, you will be contacted via email and/or mail letter and given one more week to pay your balance or to get caught up in paying your monthly installments if on a payment plan. If you do not pay your monthly statement on time, or re late with your installment payment schedule, a $30 fee will apply and for each subsequent month you are late. This is why we are requiring a card on file and your agreement for us to charge it monthly without you having to remember to do so. This prevents patients from accruing high balances and late fees. It is also within our rights to submit overdue bills to small claims court or collection services. 

Please note all financial and attendance policies will be included in informed consent documents, which are legal binding contracts, when receiving services from PsychologyWorks PLLC.